
Unleashing Nature’s Genetic Engineer: The Remarkable Role of Agrobacterium Tumefaciens in Plant Science

Plant genetic transformation is a significant technical development in modern science that has not only enabled basic insights into plant biology but has also heralded a new age in crop improvement and commercial farming. However, advancements in plant tissue culture technologies are required to streamline operational stages to enhance transformation efficiency. Furthermore, substantial emphasis must […]

Unleashing Nature’s Genetic Engineer: The Remarkable Role of Agrobacterium Tumefaciens in Plant Science Read More »

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Nepeta cataria Lamiaceae, most commonly known as catnip or catmint, is an imperishable, herbaceous, shrub species belonging to the family Lamiaceae. The Lamiaceae or Labiatae is a family of flowering plants famed as the mint, deadnettle, or sage family. Numerous of the plants are aromatic in all parts and include widely used culinary herbs like

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