Obsessions are involuntary thoughts and impulses that a person cannot get rid of. Disgust causes anxiety and anxiety. Compulsions, on the other hand, are behavioral and mental actions performed repeatedly to eliminate the restlessness and distress that result from obsessions.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental illness that can have both obsessions and compulsions, reducing a person’s quality of life.

Incidence of the Disease
It is seen in 2-3 out of every 100 people. Although it usually starts in the 20-the 30s, it can be seen at any age. Although it is slightly more common in women in gender studies, the incidence in men and women is almost equal [1,2].
Cause of Disease
Studies show that the biggest factor is genetics, mainly because of first-degree relatives with OCD, the disease is widespread. It is also more likely to occur in identical twins than in fraternal twins. Previously experienced depression, anxiety, trauma, and physical and sexual abuse are also some of the causes of the disease [3,4,5,6].
Symptoms of the Disease
Most cases fall into at least one of four general categories:
- Locks
- Contamination
- Symmetry and order
- Ruminations
Thinking that someone will be hurt, hair pulling, skin picking, constant awareness of body sensations, desire to touch things they care about; acting according to superstitions, numbers, and colors; Worrying over and correcting an undesirable part of his body, constant doubt, the need to do a job in a specific order and number, are examples of unwanted sexual obsessions.

For example, when something goes wrong during the turn or count of a job, the patient fears that something she cares about, someone she cares about, or themselves will harm the person by God, the devil, disease, or someone. He tries again and again until he reaches the desired order and number. Even though they understand that these thoughts do not match reality, they think they should act as if they are genuine or realistic [3,7].
Some cases are so severe that, for example, an individual with OCD who is afraid of bacteria, dirt, and getting sick may wash even the vegetables and fruits they eat one by one with detergent and spend most of their day cleaning [12].
In addition, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) symptoms are more common in individuals with OCD [8].
OCD Diagnosis and Treatment
This disease, which causes an increase in suicidal tendencies, is very important for the doctor to learn about emotions, thoughts, and habits [9]. Apart from this, blood tests and physical examinations are also done.
Apart from the drug method to increase serotonin levels, psychotherapy is applied to change thought patterns [10]. Activities that provide relaxation such as meditation and yoga are also effective in reducing the disease. If these therapies do not work, neuromodulation and the TMS method can be used, although rarely. This method stimulates nerve cells by using magnetic fields to change the electrical activity in a particular area of the brain [3].

Every obsessive thought, and behavior; A meticulous, prescriptive, and orderly individual is not OCD. For it to be considered OCD, the behaviors must reach the severity and intensity that will reduce the quality of life. Relatives of a patient with OCD should know that the patient cannot prevent his thoughts. Since most patients avoid revealing themselves, they need support from their relatives. if a person suspects OCD, they should consult a psychiatrist. OCD, a serious mental illness, can lead to suicide if left untreated [11].
- https://psikiyatri.org.tr/halka-yonelik/29/obsesif-kompulsif-bozukluk
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334376126_Obsesif_Kompulsif_Bozukluk_ve_Iliskili_Bozukluklar_Obsessive_Compulsive_Disorder_and_Related_Disorders
- https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/obsessive-compulsive-disorder
- https://www.verywellmind.com/ocd-and-genetics-2510481
- https://journals.lww.com/indianjpsychiatry/Fulltext/2019/61001/Genetics_of_obsessive_compulsive_disorder.6.aspx
- 3http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/obsessive-compulsive-disorder-ocd/index.shtml
- Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5. 5. Washington: American Psychiatric Publishing. 2013. ss. 237-242
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2855859/
- Angelakis (25 Mart 2015). “Suicidality in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD): A systematic review and meta-analysis”. Clinical Psychology Review. Oxford, England: Pergamon Press. 39: 1-15
- https://www.acibadem.com.tr/ilgi-alani/obsesif-kompulsif-bozukluk-okb/#tani-yontemleri
- https://psikiyatri.org.tr/halka-yonelik/29/obsesif-kompulsif-bozukluk
- http://www.haluksavas.com.tr/hastaoykuleri-temizlik-hastaligi-nedeniyle-hayati-cok-guclesen-hastanin-oykusu-1*-103.html
Figure References:
- https://bilimfili.com/images/2310/cover/obsesif-kompulsif-bozuklugun-ustesinden-gelinemedigine-norolojik-bir-aciklama-getirilmis-olabilir-bilimfilicom.jpeg?1586647794
- https://listelist.com/okb-nedir/
- http://www.noronpsikiyatri.com/tedaviye-direncli-okbde-derin-tms-tedavisinin-uzun-vadeli-sonuclari/
Inspector: Ranya DEMİR