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The Footsteps of the New Era in Cancer: CRISPR

Cancer is one of the major causes of disease-associated mortality, considering the rising incidence globally. On the other hand time, advancements in cancer prevention and treatment have led to increased survival times or even cancer cures. Enhanced knowledge of the underlying tumour biology has been a major key to innovation in cancer therapy. As a result […]

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Organoid Technology and Importance in Cancer Modeling

Cancer is still a significant global health concern. Enormous efforts have been made in cancer research in the past and present, and significant advancements in diagnosis and therapy have been achieved. In order to significantly enhance life quality and prolong the lifespan of cancer patients, various challenges still need to be overcome. The biggest challenge

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One of the Most Dangerous Types of Cancer: Lung Cancer

Lung cancer (LC) is a global issue that undoubtedly requires pay attention in order to find complete treatment for the disease [1]. Lung cancer is classified historically as small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC), non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), and neuroendocrine tumors (NET) [2]. Non-small cell lung cancer is the most encountered type among the three categories

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