Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

PRP (platelet-rich plasma therapy) procedure is to obtain a platelet-enriched plasma by centrifuging the patient’s blood for faster healing of a certain area. The obtained plasma is then injected into the patient and ensures cell regeneration in the injected area. It provides healing of muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints1, 7.

What are platelets and plasma?

Platelets, the smallest of our blood cells, are non-nucleated. They form when cells in the bone marrow mature and break down as they pass into the blood. It plays an important role in the regulation of chemical reactions in the blood. Excess in the blood causes blood clots; If it is low, it causes the bleeding to stop. In short, it helps to heal wound tissues2.

Plasma makes up about 60% of the blood; Although most of it is water, it contains blood proteins, salt, and other chemicals. It allows blood cells to circulate throughout the body. It plays a role in preventing infections, ensuring blood coagulation, and maintaining blood circulation and pressure2,3.

Figure 1: PRP preparation process and eventually platelet enriched plasma.

What is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

The patient’s blood is centrifuged and platelets are concentrated. It is then injected into the damaged area with the help of ultrasound. Thus, it is healed by using the person’s defense system. This process has been advantageous in reducing the need for opioids potent chemicals containing morphine, and anti-inflammatories. Muscle regeneration has been observed according to studies in muscle injuries. Since it is made using the patient’s blood, the side effects are low1,4.

There are different types of PRP. This classification is divided according to the content of leukocytes and fibrin. For example; Leukocyte-platelet-rich fibrin (L-PRF) is centrifuged slowly without adding an anticoagulant, to the blood. The type that does not contain leukocytes is P-PRP8.

Figure 2: Steps of PRP.

In Which Fields Is It Used?

Platelets are cells that contain growth factors that repair tissues. For this reason, it is used in skin rejuvenation procedures, in the treatment of hair loss, tendon injuries, and tennis elbow disease, to avoid alveolitis, in repairing the damage around the implant, in bone powder applications (placement of special screws in case of bone deficiency), in post-operative healing, in the treatment of calcification5,6,7.

Difference from PRF

Another application similar to PRP is platelet-rich fibrin (PRF). PRF is performed by separating the fibrin structure obtained by centrifugation of the patient’s blood. The patient is treated using the resulting fibrin clot. So PRF is not in liquid form. PRP is in liquid form. Since PRF is not in liquid form, direct application to the damaged area is used for meniscus and cuff tears. Since the effect of PRP is very fast, it can cause toxic effects in the surrounding tissues. The difference between PRF and PRP is that it shows its effect more slowly and as a result, it is more effective in regeneration. It has many uses such as gingival surgery, facial aesthetics, and root canal treatment8.


  1. Condition List PRP Injections, HSS Physicians 22.10.2022 / 16.00
  2. What is Platelet?, Acıbadem Web and Editorial Board 22.10.2022 / 15.55
  3. What Is Plasma?, L Renee Watson MSN RN, Raymond Turley Jr PA-C, Todd Gersten MD 22.10.2022 / 15.44
  4. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), HSS physicians 22.10.2022 / 15.00
  5. What is PRP treatment?, Anonymous 22.10.2022 / 14.40
  6. What is PRP treatment?, Medical Directorate 22.10.2022 / 14.30
  7. What is PRP treatment?, Memorial Medical Editorial Board 22.10.2022 / 14.00
  8. Serda Duman, Ozan Kaya, Hanifi Üçpunar, Platelet rich plasma (PRP) and its derivatives (PRF-PRGF), TOTBİD Dergisi 2022;21:515-520 09.11.2022 / 00.27

Figure References:


Inspector: Elif BÖCÜ

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